SAP webcast | SAP ECTR for the process industry

A comprehensive product cockpit

SAP webcast | SAP ECTR for the process industry

Start: 6/29/2023 02:00 PM
End: 6/29/2023 04:00 PM
Location: Remote
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Holistic PLM in process industries has a new ingredient for success: SAP Engineering Control Center | SAP ECTR.

In this webcast, the PLM experts Petra Streng – Solution Management, SAP PLM, SAP – and Achim Rossel – SVP Business Development, DSC – will share with you how you can create a holistic product description in SAP: with all capabilities, data, and processes.

Find out how SAP ECTR helps you create workflows for packaging design, labeling, and artwork. Learn firsthand how you can manage packaging specifications and control your packaging process.

Integrating artwork authoring tools, mastering change management, and collaborating with internal and external partners has never been easier.