Performance in the SAP system put to the test
The interactive expert panel “Maximum performance in SAP ECTR”

Karlsruhe, June 2021 – Both globalization and digitalization require a worldwide collaboration in product development with continuous information flows and processes. What is clear in theory is not easily implemented in practice, since ever-increasing product complexity makes for ever-more complex CAD data. From small bandwidth to packet loss or high latency – all of this highly affects the performance. A scenario the DSC Software AG experts know from many consultations, so now they are addressing it in a well-attended expert round for their customers. After all, there are smart solutions to effectively improve the performance during the exchange of CAD data.
At the interactive expert round, it soon became clear that performance problems are a daily occurrence for most participants. Real-time questionnaires and answers directly addressed by the DSC experts soon painted a picture of the situation most customers find themselves in: multiple development locations, which regularly exchange large amounts of CAD data. Bad performance disrupts the connected work processes regularly.
Bad network and insufficient infrastructure as possible performance hindrances
The problem must be addressed holistically, say DSC experts. Performance bottlenecks and their causes need to be identified in test scenarios first. According to the experience of the DSC experts, the main obstacle for performance is generally the network. Insufficient infrastructure can also present users with significant problems. For detecting performance bottlenecks, it is necessary to consider all of the system components. Additionally, companies should permanently monitor the performance to identify performance gaps and to be able to react quickly.
Four steps to a better performance
The DSC experts showed the attendees how an effective 4-step program can increase performance in a sustainable manner. It starts with the analysis of the application key figures via definítion and implementing of test scenarios. During a second step, methods for performance orientation can be applied through the identification of bottlenecks. Fine-tuning some of the numerous parameters available may be enough for performance optimization. All attendees were happy that SAP ECTR is such a good basis for all this. Changing the methods is not sufficient for every kind of problem, though. In this case, companies can optimize the performance with additional hardware and intelligent additional DSC solutions. A fourth step is the continuous monitoring of the performance.
Positive feedback across the board confirms DSC experts’ offers
Conclusion of the expert panel: System performance is an extremely complex topic because it is exceedingly linked with company-specific methods. For sustainable optimization, the weak points should be analyzed together with experienced experts.
“The contents were exceptionally arranged and the format very fitting,” said an attendee.
“We already equipped one location with the relevant performance tools and will add more in the future,” said another, “DSC accomplished some exceptional work for us last year.”
To elaborate on the performance topic, DSC will offer Round Tables for sharing experience with fewer attendees and initial performance analyses at a fixed price.