Cross-locational data transfer with SAP ECTR

SAP Engineering Control Center | SAP ECTR integrates all engineering data via CAD integrations in SAP, and links it with business data. This is an enormous benefit, especially with respect to global collaboration. CAD documents can be created by one user in Europe and edited and used for downstream processes by another user in Asia.

Increasingly complex products lead to ever-growing, more and more sophisticated CAD files and assemblies. For a company-wide collaboration, countless CAD files with huge amounts of data need to be transferred via the Wide Area Network | WAN. However, when it comes to the transfer of large amounts of CAD data across globally distributed networks, the system performance quickly reaches its limits: From small bandwidth to packet loss or high latency – all of this highly affects the performance.

Problems caused by bad system performance

  • The process comes to a halt
  • Employees are frustrated
  • Often, local workarounds are being established
  • It costs the company time and money

To maximize the potential of your product data, it is necessary to also achieve maximum performance in the background!

Smooth, company-wide data transfer among remote locations

How to achieve a better performance in four steps

Analysis of the application metrics

Each SAP ECTR client continuously collects the current workload and performance metrics. These metrics cover diverse areas within the application.

Application of methods for performance optimization

A performance boost is often possible by just improving the methods, for example by adapting the load rules and file transfer, or by optimizing the local availability of files.

Introduction of products and hardware for performance optimization

If adjusting the methods does not improve the system performance sufficiently, companies can make use of additional product solutions or hardware. For example, with expanding the network infrastructure or more performant servers.

Permanent monitoring

Optimization of the system performance is not a closed process, but a continuous activity. Companies should permanently monitor the performance in order to identify performance gaps and to be able to react quickly.

You can also benefit from such a performance boost!

We are happy to support you in your performance analysis and help you achieve an improvement of your system performance for loading large CAD files in the long term.